Botanist, Ogundipe, appointed UniLag’s Deputy V.C. Academics and Research

A professor of Botany, Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, has been appointed the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics and Research), of the University of Lagos (UniLag).

According to a letter addressed to Ogundipe, signed by the Registrar & Secretary to Council, Dr. Taiwo F. Ipaye, titled Appointment As Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academics & Research) and dated April 1, 2016, “I have the pleasure in conveying the approval given by the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council, Professor Jerry Gana, CON, on behalf of Council, for your appointment as Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic 7 Research) for two years with effect from Friday, Ist April, 2016 to 31st March, 2018. This is subject to the ratification by Council in due course.

“The appointment, which is in accordance with the provisions of the University of Lagos Act (1967) as specially amended in Sections 4 and 5 in the Universities (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1993 is sequel to your nomination and election at the University Senate meeting held on Wednesday, 30th March, 2016….”

Ogundipe is a Professor in the Department of Botany and also the Director of Academic Planning at the University of Lagos. He was born on May 31, 1960. He is married and blessed with three children.

Ogundipe was appointed professor 2002, and gave his inaugural lecture in 2005 six months after the announcement of his professorship titled Botany: Root in the Past, Route to the Future, delivered on the December 21, 2005, at the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.

Ogundipe is a member of many scientific organisations. He is a Life member, International Society of Plant Morphologist, Fellow of Cohort 9 of the Leadership for Environment and Development, and the Linnaean Society, London.

 He is a reviewer for many scientific academic journals and external examiner to many universities including University of Johannesburg. He has been on the accreditation team to many universities in Nigeria and Ghana. He is a Professorial Assessor to many universities including University of Ghana.

 He has published over 70 research articles in various high profile peer reviewed journals both locally and internationally and has co-authored six reviewed books. He is a three-time co-recipient of the University of Lagos, Faculty of Science Best Researcher Award.

 He was an Adjunct Professor to the Department of Biology, Central Michigan University, Michigan. Between 2004 and 2006, he enjoyed Royal Society of London, Lennoix-Boyd Memorial Trust and Bentham-Moxon Trust sponsorship to Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, U.K. He has participated in several environmental consulting projects with oil companies. The summary of Professor Ogundipe’s research is in communicating biodiversity knowledge to the world, and the application of pollen and spore evidence to understanding patterns of evolution.

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