SUV knocks down LASU student

Two 200-Level students of Lagos State University (LASU), Joshua Oluranti and Paul Olajire, have cheated death after they were knocked down by a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) at the school gate on Sunday. The victims were rushed to a private hospital close to the school.

CAMPUSLIFE gathered that the incident happened at 10pm when Joshua and Paul were going to the campus to read for the examination they had on Monday.

An eyewitness, who gave his name as Olaolu, said the students were a few metres from the school gate when the SUV, with number plate LSR 513 DE, came from behind and hit them.

“They were rushed to a nearby private hospital by the driver of the SUV in the company of students who rushed to the scene of the accident,” Olaolu said.

Joshua, who sustained a dislocated hand and bruises on the face, surprised his classmates when he showed up for the examination on Monday. His entrance into the examination hall in company of Students’ Union President, Tayo Sekoni, was greeted with cheers by his classmates.

Tayo used the opportunity to announce free ride for students on campus throughout the examination period. He hailed students for not resorting to the violence after the accident, saying it was a show of maturity.

The union president urged students to be calm, advising them to study hard during the examination period.

A security officer at the hospital, who prevented our reporter from speaking to the victims, said Joshua had been discharged on Monday, adding that Paul remained under observation at the press time.

It was also gathered that the driver of the SUV footed the victims’ hospital bills.