6 things you shouldn't do after a breakup but still end up doing

We all know breakups could be very traumatic. Most people do not even know how to deal with them. It is a moment of intense pain for many. Some simply feel disoriented as they start to wonder where they would start from again.

Breaking up a relationship is an unpleasant situation for so many people. Some people dread going into a relationship just to avoid being heartbroken. It should be noted that it is not the act of breaking up that causes the pains many people go through. It is the memories of the things that have transpired between the concerned parties during the time of dating or courtship that drives many crazy.

Many people lack the zeal to move on with their lives after a breakup as a result of being totally dependent on their partners. A lot of people become suicidal during this period and need to have other people beside them to distract them.
Check out some of the things you are likely to experience or do after a breakup:

1. Anger

Okay, we understand you are experiencing some pain and want your ex to feel the same way too.

This period is tough for most people as many keep asking themselves questions, some apportion blames and do everything best possible to shed the pain.

After a breakup, there is this desire to get even; especially, if there was no mutual consent during the break up. It is normal to cry during this period of frustration or go into various stages of depression.

2. Stalk

Everyone thinks you are angry and bitter about the break up, especially if you were a much talked about couple. While people may be doing everything to make you feel better you would be keeping a tab on your ex. Most people simply cannot help staying on their own after a breakup. You want to know what your ex is doing and at what time he does it.

3. Know the person you were dumped for

Many people invest seriously in finding out things about the person that their ex left them for. Not like this would make you feel any better, it simply gives you the chance to make comparison between the new person and yourself.

You may feel better and light-hearted about the situation when you discover your personality beats that of the new person but then it may cause serious heartache to know that someone not as hippy as you got your boyfriend or girlfriend.

4. Experience various stages of aggression

If you have the chance to meet the new person your ex left you for, you may be tempted to reach out to the person and leave a landmark. While you may not go overboard with the level of aggression displayed, you may want to play some little games aimed at intimidating the new partner.

Some people however go to the extreme while doing this and end up beating the new person or killing them.

5. Resentment

After a while, you may not feel the need to be bitter about the ordeal anymore. Instead, you label everything that has to do with your ex bad and avoid having anything to do with them. Some people carry the pains and memories of that relationship for a long time and avoid associating with everything and everyone that has to do with the person.

6. Indulge yourself

After going through different shades of emotions as a result of breakups, many people love to immerse themselves in certain activities. Some drink to relieve themselves of the pain while fancy going out and mingling with other people.

Amazingly, some even start a new relationship almost immediately and start to heal during that period. Some people however see everything as a waste of time and decide to sleep with the next available guy or lady they see. This is most people’s way of breaking off and severing ties.
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